Saturday, October 30, 2010

Helllloooo Hollywood

This Friday at work I was minded my own buisness, pounding out some Excel spread sheets, when my co-worker answered the phone.  It's just the two of us upstairs in the "Hawk's Nest" and naturally, when she is on the phone I try to give her a little privacy by not listening in on her conversations.  But I couldn't help but listen in when I heard her murmur "Ah, yes, we actually do have an American that works here".  I start thinking oh gosh- what British manner did I fumble? What faux-pa did I make that only an American would make? I went back to my spread sheets when she says "Katie, the phone is for you!"  Weary, I got up and answered the phone to one of the producers at BBC. BBC?! I don't know much about British publications, but I defiantly know BBC.  She was extremely friendly and and started telling me that they need an American to come be on their radio show that night to talk about an American Halloween.  They were so curious to how Americans celebrate Halloween and needed a true blooded American to help them deciphire all the tricks and treating. I was a little skeptical at first, but then she promised me a full tour of the BBC production studio and she threw in a free invatation for Jordan so alas, I surrendered my Americaness.  After work and a stop at one of our favorite pubs, we biked out to the production studio.  The last time I went to a productions studio I was in thrid grade on a field trip.. so this was a exciting adventure for both of us, minus the lunchables.  She brought us into the studio, showed us the news production room, where the filiming for the news happens and finally the radio show room.  We met the DJ and he took us into his "live broadcast booth" which was totally swanky.

and jump to 2:19: 33

Go ahead and make fun of how funny we sound, we were a little star struck.

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