Here in Oxford there are no pilgrims or indians or Godzilla size balloons of Pikachu or rival football games or black friday or pecan pie. There is just the normal day of packing lunch, saddling the bike for work, going to class, listening to a seminar on obesity, Katie working 9-5, and us both coming back together at the end of another day. However, Katie and I will be fixing up our own Thanksgiving dinner with some close American friends on Friday while watching the Iron Bowl (Auburn vs Alabama) on a computer screen WAR EAGLE!
During our first 10 weeks in England there have been brief moments of aching for home, missing relationships and luxuries that are not here in England. There have been tears shed wishing to have all the wonderful friends captured in our wedding pictures transplanted to Oxford right along side us, bringing with them American TV, a year's worth of deli meat, and a working shower (ours was broken for two weeks). But this feeling has never been so strong as of late with the Thanksgiving holiday approaching.
We both miss our families and the great times shared over holiday feasting. I miss reuniting with my brothers and peanut, reminiscing and catching up over a few beers on the front porch. I miss going to a movie with the family after being stuffed with food all day and then returning to catch the end of a football game on TV. But most of all I miss sitting in the living room playing music with the family and singing the same songs that we always sing enjoying each others company and the precious time we have to spend together. Life is wonderful here in Oxford but it would be great to see some familiar faces this holiday.
Love you all
Happy Thanksgiving
Jordan and Katie